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Parents’ Association

How to get involved!

Paired Reading

The paired reading sessions are run every morning Monday – Friday, from 9.00 – 9.30 and involve an adult reading with one or more pupils. Each volunteer generally commits to 30 minutes 1-2 mornings a week.

This is a very worthwhile and rewarding program for both the girls and the volunteers. We would love to make the program available to more of the girls, so for those of you who are interested in getting involved and have a morning to spare, please contact the school office.

Book Rental

In order to keep the cost of school books to a minimum there is a book rental scheme in the school. It has been in operation for the last 20 years.  It is run by a group of dedicated parents who fundraise and look after the purchase and distribution of the books. The school calendar is sold every year to raise funds for the book rental scheme.

Volunteering involves a little fundraising throughout the year to support the scheme and then helping a few mornings in June to clean, collate and cover books for the next year. If you would have time to help us please contact Ruth on 086 0898984.

Cake Sales and Receptions

During the year we work with the school to organise cake sales (Halloween and Easter) and receptions (e.g. First Holy Communion, Confirmation and 6th class graduation).  If you would have time to help at these events please contact Ruth on 086 0898984.

National Parents Council

The National Parents Council (NCP) for Primary Schools is the representative organisation for parents of children attending primary school.  They offer Training and Courses as well as a helpline for any questions you may have (01) 887 4477.

Check out their website for more information as to how they can help you