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Sherpa Kids

About Sherpa Kids

Before School Care:

We open from 7:45 and at 9:00 we drop off the children to their class lines. During this time, we offer them a heathy breakfast (cereals and milk, toast with butter, natural yoghurt with fruits, etc.). They also get the chance to play some of their favourite games & activities (be it UNO, beading or anything else) before starting their school day.

After School Care:

We start our afternoon at 1:40 by collecting the Junior and Senior infants from their classes. Everyone starts working on their homework and once this is done, we have a quick snack (toast and/ or fruit) and then it’s free playtime. At 2:40 the older children come in and we really kick off the afternoon programme. Once the kids have eaten and finished their homework we have a daily themed activity. Whether it’s Arts & Crafts, Music and Drama or our already-famous Friday Fun Days, kids have great fun in a relaxed, yet stimulating environment.

Children can be picked up anytime throughout the afternoon, giving parents much needed flexibility.

Holiday Care:

We organise camps that are open to any children aged 4-12 during mid-terms, school closure days and holidays. Camps usually run from 9am to 2pm with before camp and after camp options available.

For more information about specific programs contact Berta of Cathy for details on 0874012891.

Casual booking:

Providing Sherpa Kids have received a completed Enrolment Form for each child, then we are happy to take bookings with a very short notice, or if parents are unexpectedly delayed.